Friday, January 23, 2009

If you're reading this you've gone too far

Throughout my life I have been told two things pretty often: 1) You're hilarious, 2) You're a good writer. I figure those are two pretty good things to have on my side. Except I am not totally convinced that I can combine these two things into funny writing. For the longest time my friends and I have talked about writing a movie. Talking about writing a movie is way easier than doing it, I've noticed. Plus nobody wants to be the guy that tells people he is writing a movie. Why? Because nobody believes the guy who says he is writing a movie, just like nobody believes the guy who claims to own 2 businesses at the age of 20. Anyways, I haven't written a movie yet and I realized that starting a blog is easier, so here I am.

Except now I have to worry about converting my hilariously awesome, larger-than-life-personality into an internet personality that doesn't make me sound like a self-obsessed tool. Is that even possible? Like are there people who strike that balance? In a way me starting a blog makes little since. I don't really read any blogs (because blogs are boring), and I certainly don't expect anyone to still be reading this aimless collection of ideas at this point. But frankly, I should probably spend more time writing and less time thinking about how great of a writer I am. I've got a movie to write.

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